Stain Removal Chemicals for Swimming Pools
PoolStore is pleased to introduce a new system for the removal of stains from the walls and floors of swimming pools. Stains in swimming pools are almost always caused by metals in the source water. The metals come out of solution in one or more place on the shell of...
Maytronics introduce a new range of automatic pool cleaners
Maytronics, the manufacturer of the Dolphin range of automatic pool cleaners have introduced two new cleaners for 2018 to replace the Dolphin Magic and the Dolphin Dynamic Plus. The new pool cleaners are called the M400 and the M500. Externally they look...
A Review of the Monaco Sun Reel
If you have even wanted to have a motorised roller for your pool cover but were put off by having to install an electrical supply to your pool deck then a solution is at hand. Intopool, the manufacturer of the market leading Monte Carlo swimming pool reel, have...
How does a swimming pool leak sealer work?
If you have a leak in your pool you are faced with two major problems. One is finding where the leak is and the other is the expense of digging down and repairing it. Getting a professional in to find and fix the leak will probably cost a minimum of £150 and you...
Cleaning Slatted Pool Covers
If you have a slatted pool cover you no doubt love the convenience of just flicking a switch and watching your pool cover remove itself from your pool but you may also suffer from the frustration of seeing all that scale and algae building up in the joints between the...You are reading the PoolStore Blog
Help, advice and product reviews for swimming pool owners written by our own swimming pool experts.
PoolStore was the first company in Europe to sell swimming products online. For over 20 years we have been the UK's favourite internet pool supplies store.
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