You have got an above ground pool and now you want to heat it
So, you have bought an above ground pool, probably an Intex type pool, that sits on your lawn. You have filled it with water, connected up the filter pump and you and your family are all ready to climb that ladder and step in. But then you hear “it’s...
Putting a liner in a concrete pool
We are often asked about converting a concrete swimming pool to a liner pool, this article will discuss what is involved in making such a change. It is not unusual for older, concrete built swimming pools to crack and develop leaks. Often the cost of repairing the...
A Guide to Swimming Pool Coping Stones
Just about every in-ground swimming pool has coping stones around the edge. Over the years they deteriorate and need replacing. This article will tell you what your options are for replacing them. Until recently all Swimming pool coping stones were sourced from...
Stain Removal Chemicals for Swimming Pools
PoolStore is pleased to introduce a new system for the removal of stains from the walls and floors of swimming pools. Stains in swimming pools are almost always caused by metals in the source water. The metals come out of solution in one or more place on the shell of...
How does a swimming pool leak sealer work?
If you have a leak in your pool you are faced with two major problems. One is finding where the leak is and the other is the expense of digging down and repairing it. Getting a professional in to find and fix the leak will probably cost a minimum of £150 and you...You are reading the PoolStore Blog
Help, advice and product reviews for swimming pool owners written by our own swimming pool experts.
PoolStore was the first company in Europe to sell swimming products online. For over 20 years we have been the UK's favourite internet pool supplies store.
We have an extensive Help and Advice for pool owners on our main website.