Swimming Pool Maintenance
There is lots of help on the main website but articles here go in to greater detail on specific problems

Troubleshooting for the Elecro Vulcan Nano pool heater
We sell hundreds on Elecro Vulcan Nano heaters every year and we think we have been asked every possible question about them. They are so easy to install and very reliable but if yours does go wrong try these troubleshooting tips to get it working.Will not start...
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You have got an above ground pool and now you want to heat it
So, you have bought an above ground pool, probably an Intex type pool, that sits on your lawn. You have filled it with water, connected up the filter pump and you and your family are all ready to climb that ladder and step in. But then you hear "it's freezing cold! I...
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Putting a liner in a concrete pool
We are often asked about converting a concrete swimming pool to a liner pool, this article will discuss what is involved in making such a change. It is not unusual for older, concrete built swimming pools to crack and develop leaks. Often the cost of repairing the...
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A Guide to Swimming Pool Coping Stones
Just about every in-ground swimming pool has coping stones around the edge. Over the years they deteriorate and need replacing. This article will tell you what your options are for replacing them. Until recently all Swimming pool coping stones were sourced from...
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Stain Removal Chemicals for Swimming Pools
PoolStore is pleased to introduce a new system for the removal of stains from the walls and floors of swimming pools. Stains in swimming pools are almost always caused by metals in the source water. The metals come out of solution in one or more place on the shell of...
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How does a swimming pool leak sealer work?
If you have a leak in your pool you are faced with two major problems. One is finding where the leak is and the other is the expense of digging down and repairing it. Getting a professional in to find and fix the leak will probably cost a minimum of £150 and you...
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Cleaning Slatted Pool Covers
If you have a slatted pool cover you no doubt love the convenience of just flicking a switch and watching your pool cover remove itself from your pool but you may also suffer from the frustration of seeing all that scale and algae building up in the joints between the...
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Solving the problems of Scale build up in swimming pools
The build up of scale on the side of a pool or on the surface of your pool cover is a problem that many pool owners face. This article will give some advice on how to deal with it. Scale or Limescale on your pool starts life as limestone in the rocks that our rain...
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Shutting down a pool for winter
A huge number of our customers have been regular customers of ours since we began 17 years ago so we assume that they are experienced at closing the pool down for the winter but no matter how many times you have closed your pool down it never hurts to go over the...
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What is the right sand for a swimming pool filter?
If you have a swimming pool filter then the likelihood is that it is a sand filter. As the name suggests a sand filter uses sand to filter the impurities out of the water. Sand is put in the filter vessel and the water is forced under pressure through the bed of sand....
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The pros and cons of salt water chlorination for swimming pools
In Australia and South Africa nearly all the domestic swimming pools are sanitised using salt water chlorinators. In the UK very few swimming pools use salt water chlorinators. The Aussies think we are crazy not for using salt water chlorination, so what are the pros...
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The top four ways to kill algae in a swimming pool
Algae growing in a swimming pool is a perenial problem for the swimming pool owner here we will examine the 4 most popular ways to get rid of it. These are Chlorine Copper Quats and Poly Quats Phosphate removal. As we will see some of the above can be used to kill...
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Does using Bayrol Soft & Easy mean saying goodbye to Chlorine?
PoolStore's recommended non-chlorine alternative is Bayrol Soft and Easy. For a comprehensive article on all the various non-chorine alternatives read our help and advice section on the main website. We like the Bayrol product because it is easy to use but it...
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I’ve bought an above ground pool – what else to I need?
So you have bought an above ground pool for the garden, you have errected it and filled it with water - what now? Well, first of all jump in and enjoy it! But you will need chemicals to keep the water clean and maybe you will want to warm the water up as well. This...
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How to connect Intex pipes to standard pool pipes
Intex make great above ground swimming pools, the best on the market, which is why PoolStore only sell Intex pools but the pipes that come with the pools are a non-standard type and if you ever want to connect any non-intex item to your pool, like a heater for...
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A quick word about heat pumps in the spring
Heat pumps are without question the most efficient way to heat a swimming pool. They suck heat out the air and put it in your swimming pool at up to 600% efficiency. But they have their limitations and they are particuarly noticable in the spring. This article was...
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Got Algae? Now you can starve it to death!
Algae is the perennial problem for swimming pool owners. For years we have struggled to rid it from our swimming pools but it keeps coming back. PoolStore have found a new way to keep it away for good. If your pool is green then it is a little too late...
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