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Product Listing

The Certikin Genie Condensing Boiler

 Swimming Pool Gas Heaters

Gas heaters are the most popular type of heater found on swimming pools. Like many items of pool equipment you can choose between American made models and UK made models.

American gas heaters have to be imported and have to be converted to meet EU gas regulations so if you have found a heater on an American pool website there is no guarantee that the manufacturer has decided to convert it and make it available on the UK market. Jandy are the biggest maker of gas pool heaters in the world. They bought out Laars and now market the Laars gas heaters as Jandy Laars. The very popular Laars Lite heater has now been replaced by the improved Jandy LRZ model.

UK made gas heaters market is dominated by Malvern Boilers. They make heaters for Certikin who sell them under their own brand name. The unimaginatively named Certikin Gas Heater has now been superceded by the Certikin Genie Boiler. This is a very popular choice because it is the only gas heater for swimming pools that is a condensing type. Condensing boilers draw heat out of the flue gases and put it back in to the pool water. This has two main benefits. The first is 97% thermal efficiency and the second is that the flue gases are relatively cool so you can use cheaper plastic flue pipes that are easier to install. 

Any of our gas heaters will get the pool to whatever temperature you require. 22 to 30C is the normal range.