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Product Listing

6mm Thermalux Cover Standard sizes
12mm Thermalux Cover for Spas Standard sizes

Heat Retention Covers

Heat retention covers are made from closed cell foam. For use on a swimming pool they are typicaly 6mm thick, for use on a spa they would be 12mm thick.

The are usually placed on indoor pools where their heat retaining ability is important but also because they are better at keeping down condensation and chemical consumption.

A bubble type cover is often used on an outdoor pool. An outdoor pool may only be heated for 4 months of the year when the weather is warm anyway so the owner may tolerate a certain amount of heat loss and save money on the cost of the cover. But an indoor pool is run all year round so despite a foam cover being more expensive than the bubble type covers their extra heat retention properties make them more cost effective.

All our covers are made to order and they are not folded for delivery. They are rolled along the width of the pool so if your pool is 15ft wide you will take delivery of a 15ft wide package!