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Product Listing

Certikin PU2 Mini LED Lights
Certikin PU9 LT White LED Underwater Lights
Sylvania Colour Change LED Lights
Qty : 
Deck Box PU10N
Qty : 
Certikin PU11H Transformer
Qty : 
Certikin PU11S Transformer

Swimming Pool Lighting and Accessories

Underwater lighting of your pool or spa is possible with a variety of high and low voltage systems. There are 2 main types of Swimming Pool Lighting. Standard 300W 12V Sealed Beam Pool Lights and Lower Voltage LED Pool Lighting.

Within these categories we have various price and product options to suit all indoor and outdoor inground pools. 

The most standard form of lighting for traditional swimming pools is 300W 12V Sealed Beam Underwater Lighting. Generally within the UK, they tend to be made by Certikin and fit to the side or end of your pool wall. They are relatively cheap and easy to maintain and are suitable for installing on concrete and liner pools.

Complete kits can be purchased which often include a niche, a flexible conduit, cover plate, lens cover, sealed lamp housing with 300 watt 12v bulb, cable in various lengths and a transformer. Bulb changing is also easier than ever with certain brands allowing you to change without emptying any water from the pool.

For those with existing 300W lighting systems, replacement components are generally readily available. When deciding to replace parts or bulbs it may be worth investigating switching over to more eco friendly pool lights.

The latest and most economical system is LED underwater Swimming Pool Lighting. With certain ranges offering an incredible average life of 100,000 hours (30 years of a medium use of 8 hours a day), various colour changing options and in most cases little installation it is well worth upgrading. For example if you currently have a PU9 Certikin 300W light and you want to switch over to an LED system all you have to change is the Light Bulb and Guts. They utilise the same niche, deck box and even the same transformer. This can offer you a relatively cost effective install that will offer a pay back within just a few years.
