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Product Listing

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Above Ground Pool Ladder
Certikin Standard Ladder 1.7 inch 43mm
Certikin Undercover Ladder 1.7 inch 43mm
EPS In Pool Corner Steps
Certikin Ladder Accessories

Swimming Pool Ladders

Poolstore UK offer a range of ladders for both in-ground and above ground swimming pools.

Our range of in-ground ladders are all manufactured from 316 grade stainless steel as standard. This high quality grade of stainless steel means that these ladders are suitable for both chemically treated and salt water pools.

We offer a range of different height ladders based on the depth of your pool. These range from 2 steps (1450mm) up to 5 steps (2230mm). For safety reasons our top step is always a double tread as standard. Each ladder tread is 500mm wide.

As well as our standard range of ladders which are suitable for most domestic pools we also offer the undercover ladder for pools which operate  slatted or  under coping safety pool covers. The undercover ladders come in two pieces. The steps fit to the wall of the pool under the cover and the grab rails which fit to the pool surround above the cover.

We also offer a range of ladder accessories from hinges to replacement steps.

Our Above ground pool ladder   is suitable for most above ground pools. Its shaped as an A-frame to allow one side of the ladder to stand on the ground outside of the pool and the other side to stand on the floor of the pool.