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General Liner Care Advice

1. Liner pools should be kept full of water at all times.

2. Leaves or other debris should not be allowed to lie on the pool floor for long periods of time as they may stain the liner

3. When adding any pool chemicals to the water always make sure that the circulation pump is kept running to thoroughly disperse the chemicals. The time needed for total dispersal varies from pool to pool, but it is necessary to circulate the entire volume of pool water through the pump at least once. Always read the dosing instructions on chemical packs and never exceed the recommended doses stated. Most pool chemicals are heavier than water and if they are not dispersed simply sink to the bottom of the pool and lie against the liner in concentrated form. This will inevitably damage the liner. Treat the pool water with one chemical at a time and never mix different chemicals together. Dilute or completely dissolve all chemicals in a bucket of water prior to adding to the pool. Always add chemicals to water not water to chemicals. Never use your hand to stir chemical solution. We do not recommend that you put chlorine tablets or sticks into the skimmer as bleaching of the liner may occur when the water pump is turned off. Never scatter dry chlorine onto the surface of the pool water. Doing so will result in bleach spots on the floor Treat all chemicals with respect fire and explosion or release of dangerous gas can result without warning if handled improperly. Store all chemicals in a dry, safe and secure location by type. All chemical containers should be tightly sealed when in storage. We recommend that liquid chlorine is only added to liner pools by professional pool engineers.

4. Scum line dirt should be cleaned off on a regular basis using a proprietary brand of liner tile band cleaner. Do not use abrasive materials to clean the scum line as these will remove the pattern of printed liners and roughen the surface of plain liners. We do not recommend the use of acid based cleaners as these will discolour the pool liner.

5. Do not allow the pH level of the water to drop below 7.2 as this will have a damaging effect on the liner. If the pH level rises above 7.8 then the water is too alkaline and calcium deposits on the liner surface may occur. An ideal pH level for the liner is between 7.4 and 7.6. Your water test kit will show a free chlorine residual level or the amount of chlorine available to kill bacteria in the water. Your free chlorine residual level should be between 1.5 and 2.5 ppm (parts per million). If free chlorine drifts below 1.5 ppm algae and bacteria will grow more easily and may cause liner staining. If the level is consistently above 3.0 ppm excessive moisture absorption will take place and wrinkling of the liner may occur All PVC lined pools must be routinely stabilised with cyanuric acid in a range between 30 ppm and 70 ppm. A level of less than 30 ppm combined with a pH level of less than 7.0 and/or a chlorine level higher than 3.0 ppm can cause the liner to form wrinkles. Do not use large single doses of hydrochloric (muriatic.) acid for pH or total alkalinity adjustment. If it is not blended sufficiently with the pool water it may chemically attack the liner's printed pattern. Your water test kit may show a total alkalinity reading. Simply put, this is the ability of the pool water to counteract the changes in the pH level. Ideally the total alkalinity level should beat 100-130 ppm. Calcium levels should be kept at a minimum level of 200 ppm to avoid corrosive conditions. Calcium levels over 500 ppm may cause problems such as cloudy water or scaling on the liner surface.

6. Provided that water chemicalisation is maintained correctly within the pool, the liner will give good service at water temperatures up to 85F (28C). At temperatures in excess of 85F (28C) the life expectancy of the liner can reduce progressively from the normal 7-10 year life down to as little as three years. As with all things, the greater the care, the longer the life.

7. All cleaning equipment used in the pool such as brushes, vacuum heads and automatic cleaners, must be specifically designed for liner pools. Use care when brushing the liner. Ensure the pool brush and pole do not have any sharp edges that could tear the pool liner. Note: Automatic pool cleaners that remain trapped in one position can damage the pool liner. Never leave them unattended to for long periods.

8. When winterising the pool, always ensure that all debris is removed from the pool water and that any chemicals added are thoroughly dispersed. At the end of the pool season adjust the water level to the dealer's recommended level. Test the pool water and correct the water balance. NEVER close a pool without circulating the pool water for several hours after the final addition of chemicals, because chlorine mav settle in the deep end and bleach the liner if not allowed to thoroughly disperse in the pool water. Clean and vacuum the pool. Use a well fitting winter pool cover, tightly sealed around the perimeter of the pool. This will prevent the accumulation of debris, such as leaves and insects, during the winter. Remember that proper chemical balance, regular maintenance and common sense are the essential factors relating to the care of a liner pool.