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We joined Trustpilot in Spring 2023.
The Dolphin Supreme M400 is the next generation in robotic pool cleaners, replacing the Dolphin M4.
The Dolphin M400 takes its place at the top of the league of most advanced automatic swimming pool cleaners.
Now with a choice of filter cartridges for picking up the really small dust in the pool or the usual filter bags for more coarse filtration.
An extra roller brush has been added in the middle to scrub the floor and also prevent it getting stuck on your main drain
Unlike other automatic pool cleaners the Dolphin M400 opens from the top to gain access to the filters, no need to turn the cleaner upside down to get the filter out
If you have a tiled pool then you will need to upgrade the pool cleaner by adding the wonderbrushes to your cart below.
Brushes, scrubs, vacuums, and filters the entire pool including the floor, walls, and up to the waterline. The new, advanced technology enables optimal scanning and pool coverage in a shorter cycle time.
Add-on extra brushing system is twice as efficient. The rigorous brushing and scrubbing action reinforces the elimination of algae and bacteria.
Top-opening filtration compartments enabling easy and convenient maintenance of the filtration system
Three types of filtration options (ultrafine, disposable ultrafine, and coarse filter cartridges) covering all cleaning demands and requirements, from spring cleaning to ongoing pool maintenance
Recommended for pools up to 15m. (49ft.) in length
One-way water valves prevent the escape of debris and ensure rapid water drainage
Adjustable floats allow efficient scanning in different pool sizes
Low voltage motor provides minimal energy consumption
DIY – easy maintenance, at user and local dealer level
New Four year warranty (all parts included from 2022)
RRP = £2,460.00
All Dolphin pool cleaners are made by Maytronics.
Maytronics is the global leader in robotic pool cleaners, holding first place in market share and innovation. We are entirely focused on enabling pool owners to get the most enjoyment from their pool by providing the best-performing and easiest pool cleaning solutions.
Having pioneered the field of robotic pool cleaners more than 30 years ago, we continue to live and breathe robotic pool cleaners. Maytronics now covers the broadest range of solutions available from a single company, with a Dolphin robotic pool cleaner for every type of pool – from small, aboveground and in-ground residential pools to the largest commercial and municipal pools of any size and shape.
Maytronics draws on its unmatched knowledge and expertise to bring expanded value to pool owners through a growing range of other related products. Our worldwide presence and fast, advanced support systems keep us close to our customers and highly responsive to pool owners’ evolving needs. With our constant market interaction, unmatched expertise, and industry-leading portfolio of technologies and features, Maytronics is unique in being able to customize robotic pool cleaners to match vastly different types of pools, needs, and budgets.
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