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Immerstar Pool Alarm

The Immerstar Pool Alarm is manufactured in Europe to a very high standard and is an excellent alarm recognised as one of the most popular available. Powered by 4 x LR 20 batteries which are supplied with the unit.

The built in sensor of the Immerstar pool alarm is specially designed not to be set off by the wind, but is designed to detect the fall of a body which will raise the powerful 100db alarm siren. This alarm will also automatically switch from swim to alert mode.

The unit is designed for a maximum pool size of 12 metres, weighs just 2.8kg and fastens to the pool edge. The Immerstar is also compliant with (French) NFP90-307/A1 Standard introduced in July 2005 Decree 2009-873 July 2009.

Other Features

Delivery lead time 2-3 working days from order

 RRP = £534.00

Item price £445.00 inc VAT
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