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Stick On Tile Band

Now it's so easy to transform the appearance of any pool, above ground  or inground.

Whether it's to cover an old faded liner or just time for an updated change, Border Lines instantly transforms.

Suitable for vinyl liner surfaces only.

Application and future removal couldn't be easier! Simply peel off the Border Line backing and adhere along the inner perimeter of any pool.

The tiles are UV stabilized and chemical resistant.

The tilebands are 9 inchs high and come in 2ft lengths for ease of application. You can buy them in an 80ft (24m) pack or a 10ft (3m) pack or any combination.

Choose from 3 elegant designs.

80ft (24m) pack  - £360.00         10ft (3m) pack - £60.00

How many should I buy?

Calculate the perimeter of your pool (twice the length + twice the width), allow for any roman ends or step units. Buy an 80ft pack and as many 10ft packs to complete the job.

Pool Size 80ft (24m) Packs 10ft (3m) Packs
12ft x 24ft one none
15ft x 30ft one one
16ft x 32ft one two
20ft x 40ft one four

    If you want to ship them overseasBorderlines 80ft  packs are quite small and light - 40 x 27 x 10cm     and weigh about 2.5kg

Borderlines is quite easy to use. Just lower the water level, clean your liner thoroughly, peel of the backing and stick the tileband on and wait 24 hours before topping up. BorderLines comes with a 3 season warranty and has been on the market for over 6 years, with 3 years of testing prior. It has been sold and installed in pools throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe with less than a 1% return. US Patent No 6618867

To order : 1. Choose your pack size and your design. 2. Input the quantity. 3. Hit the add to cart button. 4. Repeat 1 to 3 for any other pack size. You can always change the quantities at the checkout.

The manufacturer recommends you clean the liner with Isopropyl Alcohol before sticking the tile band on it. This can be purchased below in 500ml bottles

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Choose your design and pack size:

Do You Require Isopropyl Alcohol 500ml:

Prices start from £60.00 inc VAT
Quantity :