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Perfectly Clear Natural Clarifier

Formerly known as Sea Klear PoolStore have rebranded this product and changed its name to Perfectly Clear. Same formula. Same Performance. Different Name.

This is the clarifier that works with the natural power of chitosan. That's why we can guarantee it to work better than all others!

Its special environmentally-friendly chemistry removes more organic material than any other clarifier and extends the life of your filter. You'll also minimize consumption of more costly chemicals.

Clarifies brilliantly.

Removes oil, soap, metals, cosmetics & other particulates.

Prevents stains, scum & foam.

Lets you go longer between filter cleanings, backwashes and replacements.

Compatible with ALL sanitizing systems. Environmentally-safe, nontoxic, biodegradable.

Best of all the dosage is 125ml to 100,000 litres (3oz to 20,000 gallons) so 1 litre will dose a big pool 8 times.

Now available in 2.5 litre containers. 

PoolStore Price: 1 litre £14.00 or 2.5 litres £28.00 

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Prices start from £15.00 inc VAT
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Jolly Gel £12
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Granular Flocculant 5kg £18