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Portland Cream Coping Stones

This is a swimming pool coping stone made from the highest quality porcelain slab. Portland Cream has a look similar to a light fossilized Limestone and is mottled with cream and grey hues

The Portland Cream porcelain coping stone is 900mm x 298mm x 20mm and has a bullnose edge finish. 

You can buy paving slabs to match these coping stones.

These copings are also manufactured to be Slip, Frost and Chemical resistant.

Pool Size Quantity of Stones in Pool Kit PoolStore Price inc vat and delivery
10ft x 20ft 4 corners + 20 straights £2,166.00
12ft x 24ft  4 corners + 24 straights £2,462.00
14ft x 28ft 4 corners + 28 straights £2,759.00
15ft x 30ft 4 corners + 30 straights £2,906.00
16ft x 32ft 4 corners + 32 straights £3,055.00
20ft x 40ft 4 corners + 40 straights £3,647.00

Roman Step Size Poolstore Price inc vat and delivery
4ft x 8ft Semi Circle £765.00
5ft x 10ft Semi Circle £769.00
4ft x 10ft Low Profile Semi Circle £765.00

Our pool kits always include 2 more straights than is strictly necessary in case you chip or break one, because it is better to have a couple left over than to have to order one coping on its own later on.

Samples of this stone, and any others you are interested in, are available on request. Or if you are near to Stockbridge in Hampshire (SO20 6JR) you can visit the showroom to see the entire range. Please call us first to arrange a visit. 

Photo Gallery (click image to enlarge)

Matching paving stones are available in this range. Please see below for an idea of what the options and costs are for these products. There are additional costs for transport which we would have to quote you for separately. Please call our sales team or email us for more information. 

Porcelain Paving Unit PoolStore Price inc vat
Paving stone 900 x 600 x 22mm Per m2 £76.00

If you have a kidney shape or free form pool we can bespoke make your choice of coping stone to fit your pool exactly. Just tell us how many metres of copings there are around your pool and your choice of stone and we will quote you a price. Then we will come to site and make a template and you will get a set of coping stones that are an exact fit for your pool

Lead time for coping stones is usually around 2- 3 weeks during the busier summer period

Brand Information click to expand +

Please Select Your Pool Size:

Please Select Roman Step Size:

Please Select the 4 x Corners Required:

Prices start from £2,166.00 inc VAT
Quantity :
Danebury Coping Stones £2015
Raj Riven Coping Stones £2119
Cotswold Mint Coping Stones £1864