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The Monitair 75 And 110 Range

The Monitair 75 and 110 swimming pool room dehumidifier made by Calorex in the UK

Shown here is the Standard model made for floor mounting inside the pool room.

A further step up in capacity from the Vaproex 55, Monitair models come with defrost facility as standard but are not available with electric heaters.

All are equipped with a variable humidistat for automatic control.

No special installation is required the dehumidifiers rest on the floor

DH75 model extracts up to 86, the DH110 model up to 110 litres per day. Both have air delivery up to 1180m3 per hour and the LPHW heater is rated at 8.9 kw. Typical usage: 1 DH75 unit for pool up to 18ft x 36ft

The 110 Models are available in 3 phase units as well. If you require a 3 phase model, then please call our sales Team on 0800 690 6288 for a price on these models.

Model Retail Price PoolStore Price
Monitair 75 + Defrost - Single Phase £7,290.00 £5,625.00
Monitair 75 + Defrost + LPHW - Single Phase £8,436.00 £6,495.00 
Monitair 75 + Defrost - Through the wall adapted - Single Phase £7,818.00 £6,065.00
Monitair 75 + Defrost + LPHW - Through the wall adapted - Single Phase £9.024.00 £6,975.00
Monitair 110 + Defrost - Single Phase £8,424.00 £6,475.00 
Monitair 110 + Defrost + LPHW - Single Phase £9,744.00 £7,475.00 
Monitair 110 + Defrost - Through the wall adapted - Single Phase £8,976.00 £6,885.00
Monitair 110 + Defrost + LPHW - Through the wall adapted - Single Phase £10,122.00 £7,695.00 

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Prices start from £5,625.00 inc VAT
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AM200WK Heat Recovery Ventilation Unit £1195