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1.5 Inch Heat Pump Abs Bypass Kit

1.5 inch ABS Bypass Kit  for swimming Pool Heat Pumps

The Poolstore UK 1.5 inch ABS Bypass kit enables you to vary the flow of water into your heat pump or completely shut the water flow off.  

By being able to shut the water flow off completely the Heat pump can be easily serviced and winterized.

Our Bypass Kit Includes the following:

Quantity Component
3 1.5 inch ABS White Double Union Ballvalves
2 1.5 inch ABS White Tee Pieces
1 1.5 inch 1.5 metre length of ABS Pipe
1 250ml Tin of Wet R Dry Glue

Item price £94.00 inc VAT
Quantity :
Qty : 
Double Union Ball Valve 1.5 inch £20