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Certikin Control Panel

The Certikin range of swimming pool control panels are an off the shelf item, that offers a cost effective solution for swimming pool plant control of any type of heater

There are 2 types of swimming pool controllers available in the Certikin swimming pool range. Both units are detailed below.

Helpful Hint: Certikin recommend the use of a pump overun timer to protect heating equipment (Not supplied). 

CCP01 Control Panel CCP03 Control Panel
MCB circuit breaker protection MCB circuit breaker protection
Fully wired IP55 enclosure Fully wired IP55 enclosure
Timed control of:Gas or Oil pool heaterPool Pump (single phase > 16amps)1 x Voltage free circuit Timed control of:Electric Heater (single phase, max 50 amps)Pool Pump (single phase > 16amps)1 x Vol
Switched pool lights circuit Conforms to IEE regulations
Conforms to IEE regulations -

Delivery Lead Time is around 2-3 working days from order.

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Prices start from £610.00 inc VAT
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Elecro Heatsmart Plus £375