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We joined Trustpilot in Spring 2023.
1.5 inch White PVC Flexible Pipe per 30 metre Roll
Sold only as a 30 metre Roll
What is it for?
Standard Imperial pipe for most swimming pool applications.
Where do you use it?
Everywhere to connect one fitting to another.
You might like to read our blog posting is my pool pipe 1.5 or 2 inches?
This product normally takes 2-3 working days to deliver
RRP: £624.00
PoolStore partner with Kokido for nearly all our pool cleaning accessories. We have tried many different suppliers in the past but we consider Kokido to be the market leader both for quality and for innovation.
Established in Hong Kong in the early 1990’s, Kokido is an exciting and innovative lifestyle company dedicated to the global swimming pool market. We design and manufacture pool maintenance tools and parts for manufacturers, importers and retailers worldwide.
Our ongoing commitment to innovation has resulted in novel patented cleaning solutions for the fast growing soft-sided pool market, as well as a continuous focus on improving the all around experience and wellness of pool users. All Kokido products are designed by our specialist teams at our offices in Hong Kong and China and produced under the careful supervision of our quality control department. Our products conform to applicable standards in international markets
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