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Certikin Uv Systems

The Certikin UV systems for domestic swimming Pools.

All these units have been designed using the latest design technology to ensure maximum efficiency.

The design allows the water to flow effectively within the unit, which enables the ultraviolet light to destroy the algae as it passes through.

The Certikin UV will reduce the amount of sanitizer chemicals you use in the pool helping to keep the water clarity crystal clear. 

The control box is fitted to a bracket which allows the UV to be wall mounted horizontally or vertically.  The control box is fully serviceable and along with the lamp can both be replaced.

Our range of Certikin UV systems come with 1.5" unions, can withstand up to 4 bar of pressure, and are compatible with salt water chlorinators. The approximate lifespan of a Certikin UV bulb is 9,000 hours or about 1 year. The bulb should be replaced after this running time.

Product Maximum Flow rate l/h Maximum Pool Volume litres RRP Poolstore Price inc vat
Certikin 15w UV system 7,500 15,000 £318.00 £215.00
Certikin 25w UV system 10,000 25,000 £343.00 £235.00
Certikin 30w UV system 15,000 30,000 £457.00 £300.00
Certikin 55w UV system 20,000 55,000 £486.00 £315.00
Certikin 75w UV system 25,000 75,000 £573.00 £365.00

The Certikin UV system is covered by a 1 year warranty.

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Prices start from £215.00 inc VAT
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