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Solaris Ii Reel For Above Ground Pools

The Solaris II Reel is designed for all types of above ground swimming pool.

The endstand can be fitted on to the metal coping of a steel walled or the wooden coping of a wooden pool or secured by clamps to the tube of frame pool like the Intex Ultra Frame pool.

The kit includes all the various feet to fit the different pool types as well as lengths of hexagonal tubes that simply bolt together. Also included are the cover to roller straps.

Suitable for pools up to 18ft wide. Not suitable for pools with a frame more than 60mm diameter. The top rail will be too wide for the clamp. This roller system is also not suitable for use with heavier covers like the Thermalux and Geobubble 600 micron.

Check out our Clearance website for these products at further discounted prices due to slightly damaged packaging

RRP = £198.00

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Item price £138.00 inc VAT
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