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We joined Trustpilot in Spring 2023.
Solar cover for circular above ground pools.
This solar cover is made from the highest quality 400 micron Blue/Blue Geobubble material
Keeps debris out of the pool water and helps to Keep heat in the pool water.
Helps to warm the water on sunny days.
A 12ft solar cover can easily be cut down to suit a 10ft size pool.
Pool Size | RRP | PoolStore Price |
12ft round | £196.00 | £105.00 incl VAT & Delivery |
15ft round | £298.00 | £139.00 incl VAT & Delivery |
16ft round | £340.00 | £159.00 incl VAT & Delivery |
18ft round | £446.00 | £199.00 incl VAT & Delivery |
24ft round | £682.00 | £329.00 incl VAT & Delivery |
The current lead time on this product is around 2-3 weeks from an order.
Our pool covers are made by Certikin International Ltd a British company based in Oxfordshire. Certikin are the biggest wholesale supplier of swimming pool products and the UK and are owed by the Fluidra group.
The material is made by Plastipack Ltd a British company based in Kent.
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