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Scuba 3 Electronic Pool Tester

The Scuba 3 electronic pool water testing kit.

Simple to use. Accurate readings assured.

Tests for Chlorine (total, free, bound), Bromine, pH value, Alkalinity-m, calcium hardness, cyanuric acid, active oxygen, copper and phosphate.

Dip the whole unit in the water to fill the in-built test tube.

Place the cap on and press the Zero button. A laser style light "reads" the water get a zero point.

Select which parameter to test for with the Mode button. 

Drop the test tablet in the water and crush it until it dissolves and the sample water changes colour.

Press the Test button and wait a few seconds. The lazer style light "reads" the colour change.

The digital  screen displays your accurate reading

Comes in a sturdy carrying case and complete with test tablets and a tablet crusher.

Wireless data transfer via NFC.

Lovibond PoolAssistant app for pool maintenance and measurement results.

The most important thing a pool owner needs to know is the chemical levels in his pool water. What ever you use to test the water needs to be accurate. No guess work required. No colours to compare.

Item price £169.00 inc VAT
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Floating Digital Thermometer £15
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2 Way Comparator Testing Kit £14