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The Garden Leisure Wooden Pool

Garden Leisure Wooden pools are made from the finest dense Scandinavian 45mm high-quality logs

With 45mm coping on all versions (except Tropical Sunshine has 27mm)

All structure hardware fittings made from stainless steel

Detachable external wooden steps

Stainless steel internal ladder

Anti-Bacterial felt underlay

0.75mm (30 thou) light blue liner

Sand filter; comes with 6-way valve including all accessories (hoses, connectors, sand media)

Pump with 12m³/h capacity

Wide Angle skimmer and inlet (quantity dependent on pool size)

Start-up water treatment kit

Pool Size Retail Price PoolStore Price inc vat
The Tropical Sunshine - 4m Octagon, 1.16m deep £5,526.00 £4,650.00
The Blue Lagoon - 5.5 x 3.5 Stretched Octagon, 1.24m deep £6,987.00 £5,750.00
The Sea Breeze - 6m x 4m Stretched Octagon, 1.31m deep £7,833.00 £6,350.00
The Summer Oasis - 6m x 4.2m Rectangle, 1.31m deep £9,860.00 £7,950.00

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Choose Your Garden Leisure Wooden Pool:

Prices start from £4,650.00 inc VAT
Quantity :
Plastica Premium Wooden Pool £6895
The Serena Above Ground Pool £2795