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The Serena Above Ground Pool

The Serena Metal Sided above ground swimming pool comes in a variaty of sizes and stands 52 inches (1.32m) high.

The Serena is our High End Steel series above ground pool with so many special features that no other above ground pool has. It can take pride of place in your garden whilst enhancing your backyard enjoyment with the latest design trends and state of the art technology.

The special features of the Serena above ground pool are:

This pool has stainless steel hardware including a Patented 8 inch shadow grey top ledge.Shadow grey steel uprights.Pepper grey high impact resin ledge cover.All steel components are protected with Tru-Kote bonding system.Stainless steel fasteners.Easy to assembleSilver leaf wall design blends comfortably into your garden.3 Years warranty on parts

The Serena Above Ground Pool kit includes everything you need to get the pool up and running:

Pool Kit Includes

Cube Tile Patterned overlap liner

Sand Filter and Pump and media

Widemouth Skimmer

Comfort Incline Ladder

Water Treatment Starter Kit

Hard Plumb Kit

Space saver design means many combinations of size are available (see below). Quite simple to errect - just needs a level base. Can be part buried also. Burying the pool by 2ft and putting decking up to coping level makes a very attractive option.

Pool Size Retail Price PoolStore Price
12ft (3.65m) Diameter £3,846.00 £2,795.00
15ft (4.57m) Diameter £4,126.00 £2,995.00
12ft x 24ft (3.65 x 7.31m) Oval  £6,843.00 £4,495.00
15ft x 30ft (4.57 x 9.14m) Oval £7,902.00 £4,995.00

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Please Choose your pool size:

Prices start from £2,795.00 inc VAT
Quantity :
The Garden Leisure Wooden Pool £4650
Plastica Premium Wooden Pool £6895