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MiraClear Gel Cubes from Lo Chlor
A Gel block clarifier very similar to Jolly Gel.
Comes as a pack of 1 x 35g block.
This gel cube is much more concentrated and long lasting than other types of gel cube.
One 35g block will clarify up to 13,000 gallons (60,000 litres) for up to 4 weeks. Two blocks for pools up to 26,000 gallons (120,000 litres).
Drop the miraclear cube in to the strainer basket of your pump, it disolves slowly to put a film of gel over your sand to help it filter out fine suspended particles in your swimming pool water.
Miraclear cubes are made from a unique polymer resin they are non toxic and biodegradeable and unlike other gel cubes
they will work with all filters including paper filters, DE filters and Sand or Glass
they are not sticky or slippery to touch
Lo-Chlor Chemicals was founded in Australia and is now globally recognised as the market leader in specialised swimming pool and hot tub water treatment. Lo-Chlor Chemicals Australia continues to be run by the Simons family and its technologies are exported to more than 25 countries around the globe.
Lo-Chlor Chemicals Limited is the UK and EU manufacturing and distribution base for the Lo-Chlor brand which is currently exported to over 10 countries in the EU. This ensures that the Lo-Chlor brand can be supplied efficiently across Europe and in line with all EU legislation. Our UK based facility enables us to offer the necessary infrastructure to fully support and supply the Swimming Pool & Hot Tub markets on a European basis
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