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Meacowall Ultra Quiet Dehumidifier

The MeacoWall is a NEW range of high capacity wall mounting dehumidifiers that combine a modern style with an advanced dehumidification design.

Suitable for Swimming Pools, Gyms, Spa Areas, Pump rooms and anywhere that needs a wall mounted dehumidifier and are IPX4 rated.

Ultra Quiet

The incorporation of a DC fan motor helps to reduce running costs and keeps noise levels as low as 44dB.

Energy Effficient

Fitted with an energy efficient compressor to help keep running costs low

Stylish Glass Finish

These modern and stylish looking dehumidifiers come is a white casing with either a black or white glass front panel that incorporates the light touch LED controls.

Slimline Design

The MeacoWall is just 202mm deep and therefore will not petrude far into your pool room.

Low Temperature Use

For unheated applications where humidity control is required, the MeacoWall dehumidifier automatic defrosting system allows use right down to 10 degrees Centigrade.

Colour Options

Model Drying Capacity Typical Pool Size Noise Level Running amps Start-up amps Dimensions (mm) Retail Price PoolStore Price
One 53 litres per day 14ft x 28ft 44 dB(A) at 1m 4.1 amps 21 amps 1295 x 202 x 647 £1,790.00 £1,495.00
Two 84 litres per day 16ft x 32ft 46 dB(A) at 1m 5.1 amps 25 amps 1495 x 202 x 647 £2,040.00 £1,695.00
Three 108 litres per day 18ft x 36ft 48 dB(A) at 1m 8.7 amps 39 amps 1495 x 202 x 647 £2,290.00 £1,895.00

 2 Year Warranty 

Delivery lead time from order is around 5-7 working days.

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Prices start from £1,495.00 inc VAT
Quantity :
Dantherm CDP Dehumidifier £2990
AM200WK Heat Recovery Ventilation Unit £1195