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The Elecro Nano 3kw Heater

The Elecro Vulcan Nano Pool Heater with a fully Titanium flow tube is designed and manufactured in the UK.Suitable for swimming pools up to 12ft diameter (2,700 gallons or 12m3).

The Vulcan Nano heater from Elecro is the perfect heater for an above ground pool. Easy to install and made with quality and longevity in mind.

Called the Nano because it is small but it packs big punch. Made in England by Elecro Engineering using the highest quality materials and the latest technology.

The Nano is a  3kw pool heater   so it can plug straight in to a plug socket and it comes with a plug already fitted on a 2m long silicone sheathed cable.

Plumbing to the pool is easy. The heater comes with adaptors to push fit a 1.5 inch or 1.25 inch flexible pipe. Take the adaptor out and there is a 1.5 inch BSP female thread to join straight on to standard pool pipework.

Like all quality pool heaters the Nano has a flow switch to detect if the water is flowing and if it is not it shuts the heater down to stop it from burning out. Flow switches can be troublesome but Elecro fit the best there is making it the most reliable on the market. This heater requires a minimum flow rate of 1500 litres per hour from your pool pump.

The temperature of the water is control by a thermostat. Accurate to 1 degC. It is made with a 316 grade stainless steel flow tube and a titanium heating element.

RRP = £386.00

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Item price £269.00 inc VAT
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