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6mm Thermalux Cover Standard Sizes

The Thermalux 6mm Heat Retention Cover

Made from a closed cell PE foam to give maximum heat retention for swimming pools.

Typically used on indoor pools or outdoor pools that are heated warmer than normal

Laminated underside and woven polythene top coat.

High density material also blocks out light and reduces algae growth.

6mm foam means the cover is heavy enough to retain the maximum heat but light and flexible enough to be rolled off a large swimming pool.

If your cover is not one of our standard sizes then you can calculate the cost by using our  Pool Cover Price Calculator    and order your cover directly from that page.

Pool Size Retail Price Our Price
10ft x 20ft £892.00 £598.00 incl VAT & Delivery
12ft x 24ft £1,218.00 £850.00 incl VAT & Delivery 
14ft x 28ft £1,638.00 £1,148.00 incl VAT & Delivery
15ft x 30ft £1,934.00 £1,314.00 incl VAT & Delivery 
16ft x 32ft £2,234.00 £1,492.00 incl VAT & Delivery 
20ft x 40ft £3,313.00 £2,317.00 incl VAT & Delivery

Having a Leading Edge Kit fixed to the cover makes it much easier to pull the cover back on to the pool. You can buy a kit and fix it yourself or you have the option of having it fitted at the factory.

Unless stated otherwise at time of order, all 6mm foam covers will be made approximately 30mm narrower than pool width to allow ease of movement on and off the pool.

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Please select from our standard sizes:

Prices start from £598.00 inc VAT
Quantity :
12mm Thermalux Cover for Spas Standard sizes £219