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Deluxe 4mm Felt 50m2 Roll

Our 4mm thick Deluxe felt is the professional installers choice for swimming pool liners

Installing our deluxe 4mm felt under your new swimming pool liner will help protect and give longevity to your vinyl liner as well as give comfort under your feet when standing in your pool.

Our rolls are 25 metres long and 2 metres wide which means one roll covers a swimming pool floor 8m x 4m. 

Use our guide below to estimate the amount of rolls you require for your pool and allow 10% for wastage

Use our guide below to estimate the amount of rolls you require for your pool and allow 10% for wastage

Standard Hopper Pool Floor Area m2 Wall Area m2
20' x 10' 24.2 18.6
24' x 12' 34.8 22.3
28' x 14' 47.3 26.0
30' x 15' 54.3 27.9
32' x 16' 61.8 29.7
36' x 18' 78.3 33.4
40' x 20' 96.6 37.2

RRP = £389.00

Item price £296.00 inc VAT
Quantity :
Qty : 
Linerlock Wedge £2.25
Qty : 
Certikin Faceplate and Gasket Refurb Kit £95
Qty : 
Linerlock Radius Corner £6
Qty : 
Wideback Linerlock £7