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The Certkin Swimflo Hgs Plus Pump

The Certikin Swimflo Plus Pump is a direct replacement for the popular HGS Pump which is no longer available

Similar in every way to the Hydroswim HGS pump in its fittings, the location of the inlet and outlet is the same.

Sizes from 0.5 to 1.5 horse power.

High hydraulic efficiency

Improved self-priming

One-piece body in durable resistant composite material 

Innovative design with patented strainer basket

Suitable for salt chlorinated pools

Single phase supply only

Size Max. Pool Size Capacity at 10m head Retail Price PoolStore Price
0.5 HP 10 x 20 8m3 per hour £897.00 £470.00
0.75 HP 15 x 30 11m3 per hour £938.00 £490.00
1.0 HP 18 x 36 16.5m3 per hour £978.00 £510.00
1.5 HP 20 x 40 23.5m3 per hour £1,056.00 £550.00
2.0 HP 25 x 50 27m3 per hour £1,129.00 £590.00

For an overview of swimming pool pumps and how to choose the right size see the advice on the Pumps Main Menu Page

Delivery lead time on these pumps is around 2-3 working days from order.

Please select your Pump Size:

Prices start from £470.00 inc VAT
Quantity :
The Hayward Super Pump £470
Qty : 
The Intelliflo Pump £1720
La Starite 5P2R Pump £485