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Alux Geared Roller

The Alux Aluminium T Frame Cover Reel - Geared Version.

This reel is the same specification as the Alux Reel but with a reduction gear box on the crank wheel.

The gearbox reduces the effort required to reel in the cover by 50%.

Stylish and Robust this pool roller is  exclusive to PoolStore

Made with a strong 2 inch square frame that is resistant to corrosion.

Two colour cranking wheel with ergononmically designed turning handle.

Tight fitting bearings ensure smooth turning and more stability.

Simple locking system to secure the tube.

4 inch (98mm) three piece tube set is suitable for pools up to 20ft (6m) wide.

Cover to roller strap set included

Please Note:If your pool size is larger than 10m x 5m (32ft x 16ft) or you require a Geobubble or Thermalux pool cover then we suggest that you opt for either the SlideLock orMonte Carlo   Reel options.

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Item price £435.00 inc VAT
Quantity :
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The Alux Roller £385
Monte Carlo Roller £705
Roller Protection Cover £99
Qty : 
Roll Sunny Solar Powered Electric Reel £2945