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Poolsolar Heating Kits

The Poolsolar solar heating system for swimming pools.

This is a DIY kit for adding solar heating to any type of swimming pool.

The kit consists of a mat of black rubber tubes which needs to be positioned in a south facing aspect. Water from your pool is pumped through the tubes and the sun shining on the mat heats it up and the heat is transferred to your pool water. In good sunny conditions the Poolsolar heating system will warm your pool water up to 7C (13F) above its current temperature. A pool that is pretty chilly at 72F could heated to a very pleasant 84F.

This type of solar heating is, in our opinion, not suitable to be used as the sole source of heating for your pool. If you want a consistently warm pool temperature all summer long you will need some other form of heating to go in tandem with solar heating. Solar heating will greatly reduce your heating bill and a system like Poolsolar will pay for itself in probably two or three season.Poolsolar is not a “plug and play” item, it does require some DIY skills and needs to be installed correctly, preferably on a sloping tiled roof.


For full instructions on how to install Poolsolar matting see the installation guide. You can download this from the Downloads section below

A typical installation would involve re-directing the water after it has left the existing heater up to the solar mats and then back to the inlet pipe. Most pool pumps will be powerful enough to pump water up to the solar mats. A three way valve can be installed to shut off the supply to the mats and direct it straight to the pool when required.

How many mats do I need?

There are two types of matting. Short and fat (Box A) and long and thin (Box B).

Long and thin means 5m long x 1m wide, short and fat is 3m long x 1.33m wide. Decide which length suits you and then decide how many boxes you need or how many you have room for.Below is the manufacturers recommendations for how many boxes for various pool sizes.

Pool Size (ft) No. of Box A No. of Box B
10 x 20 2 boxes 2 boxes
12 x 24 3 or 4 boxes 3 boxes
14 x 28 4 or 5 boxes 4 boxes
15 x 30 5 boxes 4 boxes
16 x 32 6 boxes 5 boxes
18 x 36 7 or 8 boxes 6 boxes

What's in the box?

Box A has 4 x 33cm wide x 3m long mats and Box B has 3 x 33cm wide mats x 5m long.

As well as the mats each box has

nylon band to attach the headers and the absorber

two adaptors 50mm in black ABS

two threaded adaptors 1½” in black ABS

two reducing sockets in black ABS

one threaded stop 1½” in black ABS


installation guide

If the Poolsolar matting is being installed on a roof you will need roof-fixing paste and if the roof is pitched we would also suggest support angles to secure the top manifold.

Further optional extras are:

Pool Solar Vacuum Breaker for installs over 4m high

Solar controlled 3-way valve system

Manual 3 way valve

Roof Support Angle 2 metre lengths

Roof Fixing paste 300ml (2 tubes required per Box A & B)

All of these parts are available to order below.

Read our Blog Posting on the pros and cons of solar heating

Downloads click to expand +

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Prices start from £390.00 inc VAT
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