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Dolphin Prox1 Robotic Pool Cleaner

The New Dolphin ProX1 robotic cleaner is highly efficient and fully automated for swimming pools up to 20m in length.

Comes complete with a caddy and a remote control.

CleverClean™ scanner for precise navigation and maximum coverage of the swimming pool.

The Dolphin ProX1 ensures heavy-duty cleaning performance with robust reliability for long-term effective operation. 

- Cleans the floor, walls and waterline 

- 24m tangle free cable.

- Cleaning cycle time of 1.5, 2.5 or 3.5 hours.

- Weighs 12kg.

- Cartridge and Net filtration.

- Combined brushes suitable for liner, tiled, and concrete pools.

- Warranty is 3 years or 3000 working hours.

Model Retail Price Poolstore UK price inc vat
Dolphin ProX1 Automatic Robotic Pool Cleaner c/w Caddy and Remote Control £3,231.00 £1,999.00

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