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Sylvania Colour Change Led Lights

The Sylvania range of colour-change PAR56 LED underwater swimming pool lights is ideal for retrofitting existing Certikin PU9 lamp niches and complete kits for new builds. 

These lights offer a top class and professional finish to your pool. The high power LED lamps produce a full spectrum of rich colours or just white. With a long lamp lifetime of up to 25,000 hours and a low 25W, 12V, 2.75 Amps power consumption, these lights are very economical to run.

The lamp can be operated in a mode of continuous colour changing, or fixed at an desired colour by briefly switching off and back on again. This function is operated by the optional Sylvania remote control and receiver as shown below.

Model Retail Price Poolstore UK Price inc VAT
PU9 Colour change Sylvania LED light and concrete niche £470.00 £330.00
PU9 Colour change Sylvania LED light and liner niche £506.00 £350.00
PU9 Colour change Sylvania LED light guts 2.8m cable £457.00 £320.00

Optional Extras:

Please Note: That each Receiver and Controller can control up to 20 lights with a maximum range of 20 metres

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Optional Extras:

Prices start from £330.00 inc VAT
Quantity :
Qty : 
Deck Box PU10N £26
Qty : 
Certikin PU11H Transformer £345
Qty : 
Certikin PU11S Transformer £394