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Chlorine Reducer 5kg

Champion Chlorine Reducer 5kg is a fast acting, cost effective agent for reducing Chlorine level in a swimming pool.

Contains Sodium Thiosulphate Pentahydrate.

Application:Prior to adding Champion Chlorine Reducer to the pool, the granules should be dissolved in a bucket using warm water. Add the Champion Chlorine Reducer to the pool around the area of the water inlet. Allow the water to turn over in the pool at least twice before testing for new Chlorine levels.

Dose Rate:

Ppm 1000 gal 5000 gal 10000 gal
(mg/l) 5m3 23m3 45m3
1 25g 115g 225g
5 125g 574g 1,124g
10 250g 1,149g 2,247g
20 500g 2,500g 4,500g

Caution:Always underdose Champion Chlorine Reducer rather than overdose. Overdosing will result in difficulty regaining satisfactory Chlorine levels in the pool.

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Item price £37.00 inc VAT
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