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No More Scale

Lo Chlor No More Scale 1 litre is our new phosphate free treatment for both eliminating existing scale and preventing new scale formation in Swimming Pools and Spas.

Phosphate free means it does not contribute unwanted phosphates into swimming pool water like alternative products can.

Prevents metal staining and corrosion of swimming pool heating equipment.

Prevents scum deposits on swimming pool water surface.

Prevents clogging up of filters.

Doseage Rates:Pool open up and close down = 500mls per 50,000 litres of pool waterMonthly maintenance = 100mls per 50,000 litres of pool water

To remove scale discolouration from the waterline on your pool tiles, then raise the pool water level above this affected area and maintain for at least 3 weeks.

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Item price £22.00 inc VAT
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Tile and Liner Cleaner £14
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Salt Cell Cleaner £25
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Lo Chlor No More Metal £22
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Lo Chlor Multi Stain Remover £22