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Salt Cell Cleaner

 Lo Chlor Salt Cell Cleaner 2.5 litres is formulated to clean the salt water chlorinator cell plates without damaging them.

As well as being used for cleaning Calcium scale deposits from the electrodes of your salt water chlorinator, when diluted this product is also excellent for cleaning scale deposits from slatted pool covers and pool surrounds.

After a while you will get a build up of scale and other contaminants on the plates of the electroysis cell of your salt water chlorinator. Soak it in Salt Cell Cleaner for about 10 minutes and the plates will be good as new. Heavy build up of scale may require further treatments to remove completely.

For build up of scale deposits on slatted pool covers and pool surrounds use a damp cloth to rub a diluted amount of this product onto the affected area and you could be amazed by the results.

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Item price £24.00 inc VAT
Quantity :
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No More Scale £22
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Filter Cleaner and Degreaser £23
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Lo Chlor No More Metal £22
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Lo Chlor Multi Stain Remover £22